Thursday 24 January 2019

Warning: Images may contain distressing levels of cuteness

Summer is the time when various animal census' take place on Macquarie Island. Most recently it was the turn of the Fur Seal pups. Every January, the TASPAWS ranger team (and assorted volunteers) conduct 3 counts, each a week apart, to keep an eye on the breeding success of various species of ‘furries'. The count includes Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and NZ Fur Seals, and takes place all around the beaches on North Head - the small part of the island north of our station.

Fur Seals were hunted to annihilation on Macquarie Island in the early 1800s (estimated 200,000 killed). They kept their distance until returning in the mid-1950s and are making a slow but steady recovery. 

I was involved in the first count, and we found well over 300 pups (all 10/10 on the cuteness scale) on the western side of North Head.

I won't say it was an easy day out - a combination of 40 knot winds, steep and treacherous hills to clamber over, and some very aggressive adult seals to run from. It's tricky to keep count when you are having to fend off charges from all directions. It was pretty amazing though.

The first view of the seal colony as we descended into the bay. Counting them looked simple enough.

And it's not exactly work when the object of your count looks like this. The only trouble is trying to get anything done when you can't stop taking photographs.

But then mum spots us and the colony goes on high alert

This spunky dude is a sub-Antarctic male seal in his prime. They have quite distinctive features - the white face and mohawk - so are pretty much the only sub-type I can readily identify. He isn't terribly happy about our census efforts.

The pups try out their growling too. Very hard not to laugh.

Total poser

Out of the tussocks and onto the beach - a male fur seal, in his breeding prime, guards his harem. You definitely don't want to get too close. 

A bit of regal roaring to warn us off

Meanwhile a female feeds her pup nearby

But this mum has had enough - "get off my rock!"

A tagged male. At certain times they rapidly poke their tongues in and out - not sure what it means but makes for some comical images.

Just back in from a paddle

Do I have something on my face?

And just more cuteness really

And to finish, a fur seal family portrait in the sun. Not a bad day at all!

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